Tuesday, 03/21/2023

3 players, 1 solution: How retailers, financial institutions, or cash-in-transit services benefit from the ICC app

Security risk, time-waster, or cost driver: Cash often has a bad reputation among retailers, banks, and savings banks as well as cash service providers. Non-cash alternatives are not yet advanced enough to easily dethrone coins and notes as payment methods. Companies and financial institutions should therefore look for modern solutions to efficiently manage cash and thus save costs and time. They will find what they are looking for with a true all-rounder in the cash cycle: the ICC App.

Current cash management status: complex, manual processes

Current cash handling processes can primarily be boiled down to two aspects: They are complex and predominantly manual. Data is therefore not traditionally available in digital form. Operational key figures such as sales, change requirements, or cash costs must be continuously reconciled by those responsible. At the same time, it is important to monitor movements in accounting and laboriously determine the causes of discrepancies. Because even the correct assignment is sometimes a challenge here.

It is hardly surprising that today's processes mainly consume costs and time, pushing companies to their limits. Furthermore, the cash cycle consists of different stations and thus various actors. Managing and monitoring these uniformly, keeping errors low, and avoiding duplicate entries are further hurdles. Modern software solutions provide relief.

Interactive Cash Control – Digitizing processes

Quickly and efficiently modernize the cash cycle? It's possible! At ALVARA | Digital Solutions, we used the growing challenges as a foundation for developing practical solutions. The result: Our ICC (Interactive Cash Control) platform, which purposefully controls and documents cash management between all actors from retail to financial companies to cash service providers.

With the ICC platform, you bring smart and innovative solutions into your company for your employees. With it, processes can be completely digitized, making document storage a thing of the past. Faster processing gains companies valuable time, thus refocusing the team's core tasks. Additionally, error sources can be reduced through program-supported capture and scans, such as barcodes.

One software for all – also available mobile!

Access for ICC users is not limited to a classic web application. Banks and savings banks, as well as retailers, can also access all functions on the go – with the ICC App. Is your retail turning to a PC-less back office? Do your employees need data access on the go or want to stay up-to-date via push function? Then the ICC App is always ready. You don't need to purchase new devices because the software solution is iOS- and Android-compatible. In addition, the app is compatible with common MDE devices.

But one question remains: How can a platform cover the tasks of three such different actors? Our answer: By adapting flexibly and customer-specifically. For our software solution, we have introduced the ICC modules. Want examples?

Electronic change order

You can order change quickly and conveniently via ICC – whether retailer or financial institution:

  • – including central analysis and validation of correct delivery days,
  • – immediate display of the delivery's weight, and
  • – flexible limitation of available denominations/sizes as well as value-based upper and lower limits.
  • – Optional: four-eye principle or system-generated suggestions.

Digital Receipt

Our digital receipt offers an efficient, legally secure, and above all environmentally friendly alternative at the point of sale. It eliminates environmentally harmful thermal printing. Moreover, the digital receipts can be accessed at any time at the branch level via the platform and app for the central office. If a signature is required, it can be made digitally on the service provider's device.

KPI Dashboard

More than that, ICC offers you a current and clear view of your organization's key metrics. Without additional effort, you can visually see developments or identify risks in a single view – and react in time. This keeps you continuously informed about open deposits, discrepancies, and much more.

ICC App and retail

Want to standardize branch processes, digitize documents and information, and simplify access for employees? Then the ICC App can help you as a retailer. Entire processes with service providers, from authentication to cash collection to change orders, can be conveniently managed. If employees are responsible for multiple branches, they remain operationally capable on the go with the ICC App.

Good reasons for the ICC App in retail:

  • – all cash processes in one app – easy to use
  • – available for iOS and Android
  • – increase employee satisfaction
  • – single sign-on for simplest user management
  • – flexible access permissions

ICC App and cash service providers

The ICC App opens up new possibilities for cash service providers to make collaboration with customers more efficient, transparent, and user-friendly. For example, change can be quickly ordered via smartphone. Customers simply need to enter the required notes and coins as well as the desired delivery date. The WDL then receives the order directly electronically and can plan the delivery. Processes such as cash submission or digital driver authentication are just as easy to manage.

Good reasons for the ICC App as WDL:

  • – increase customer satisfaction
  • – customer retention through integrated processes
  • – electronic and automated data exchange
  • – promote innovation and ensure future viability
  • – digital receipt for sustainable processes

ICC (App) and financial institutions

Financial institutions also benefit from the numerous synergy effects of the ICC. A practical example is the safebag procedure: Employees can accept safebags at the counter and generate customer receipts as well as further data processing using ICC. The gain for both sides: time savings.

The biggest advantage of the ICC App for banks and savings banks is that they can offer the mobile version to their business customers. This creates tangible value for them.

Good reasons for the ICC (App) in the financial sector:

  • – quick data evaluation regarding individual customers
  • – additional functions like Track & Trace for more transparency
  • – easy control over WDL activities
  • – interesting solutions for business customers

Does this all sound very exciting? For more ICC information, go .

Would you like to learn more about the ICC App – tailored to your industry and individual needs? Feel free to contact us!