Protection and promotion: a focus on cash

Cash stands for freedom as well as social resilience and is the means of payment with the highest level of data protection - which is why it plays an important role for many. Various initiatives are also committed to the preservation and promotion of cash.
National Cash Forum of the Central Bank
Continuous exchange on key cash issues: this is the aim of the Central Bank's National Cash Forum. It creates space for experts and interest groups to shed light on the importance of cash for the economy and society and to discuss it on a professional basis. Together, the members tackle various hurdles and prepare initiatives to improve and stabilize the cash cycle. Through regular meetings and studies, the forum safeguards the status of cash in Germany and beyond.
The members met for the first time on February 16, 2024 in Berlin for the kick-off event. Up to two meetings per year are planned on an ongoing basis.
BASIC joint project
A reliable cash supply is essential in everyday life. But those responsible must also guarantee this in the event of a crisis. The BASIC joint project addressed this issue from January 2020 to March 2023 and developed a new security framework concept. This is intended to enable value-added service providers to safeguard their work processes in the event of disruptions.
- The concept takes into account local incidents, such as IT and power outages, or trans-regional crises of a longer duration that affect several players.
- The Central Bank's work on crisis scenarios such as power outages or staff shortages in its branches provided valuable insights for the security framework concept.
- Other project partners included the Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (BIGS), the Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Geld- und Wertdienste e.V. (BDGW), Cash Logistik Security AG and the Frauenhofer Working Group for Supply Chain Services.
Click here for the security concept to strengthen the resilience of the cash supply in emergencies and crises.
Bargeld zählt! e.V.
Cash is democracy. Cash is participation. The bottom line is that cash is an essential means of payment in Germany. The Bargeld zählt! e.V. association represents these values:
- Retailers must accept cash as a means of payment without restriction.
- Access to coins and bills must be guaranteed for the entire population.
- Politicians must ensure that banks charge a maximum fee of 0.05% for handling cash.
“Protect cash!” There are many more such demands. Various initiatives have been set up to achieve this goal. They want to strengthen the protection of cash with petitions. They campaign - with various focuses - against the restriction of cash use and demand political protection for coins and bills. Cash friends and supporters can actively contribute to the preservation of cash by signing a petition on the respective websites.
At, for example, the initiators are addressing the EU Parliament and the governments of the EU countries. The Cash Alliance would like to see cash enshrined in the German constitution. And via, the initiators have been collecting signatures against the abolition of cash and the introduction of digital money since March 2024.
International Currency Association (ICA)
Founded in 2016, the International Currency Association (ICA) is considered a strong shoulder for the currency industry. It brings together companies from the design, production, manufacture and distribution of cash and is the first organization of its kind. Today and in the future, the ICA ascribes a central role to cash. Therefore, a balanced discussion of the industry, which is particularly relevant for payment transactions, is its top priority.
Cash Matters is a civil society movement funded by the ICA. Since its foundation in 2017, the initiative has been working to promote the importance and relevance of cash as an integral part of payment transactions. The initiative approaches industry, politicians, central banks and NGOs with its issues - in order to protect the cornerstone of democracy.
Founded in 2010, AG Geldautomaten (AGG) represents the interests of independent ATM operators in Germany. It supports companies that operate ATMs with its knowledge of cash supply. Together, the members strive to ensure the reliable availability of cash throughout Germany. AGG members also receive assistance with legal issues.
The network currently comprises around 4,000 ATMs. This gives AGG a market share of a good eight percent.
These initiatives demonstrate a diverse and committed commitment to cash - in Germany and worldwide. Whether through research, lobbying, petitions or publicity campaigns, they all make a valuable contribution to protecting and promoting cash as a means of payment. After all, coins and bills remain an indispensable part of our society.
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