Wednesday, 09/08/2021

ALVARA | Digital Solutions makes checking the Technical Security Device (TSE) reliable and secure

Leipzig, 08.09.2021 ALVARA | Digital Solutions offers a solution for checking the Technical Security Device (TSE) to enhance the data and manipulation security of cash registers.

"The challenges for companies in the retail sector have steadily increased in recent years: Be it the new Cash Security Ordinance (KassenSichV), the Cash Register Law, the principles of proper accounting and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form as well as data access (GoBD) or the TSE," summarizes ALVARA | Digital Solutions CEO Steven Schwarznau. "With our digital solutions, we provide the necessary security and can relieve companies both in terms of time and personnel."

With the solution from ALVARA | Digital Solutions, the data is available both locally on the TSE storage medium and, if desired, as an encrypted security copy in the cloud. The software is also completely offline permanently, making it flexibly deployable. An automatic email or SMS notification informs the headquarters about a TSE failure so that they can react in time.

According to GoBD requirements, cash register systems have had to record every single transaction since 01.01.2017. The data must be stored uncompressed and unchangeable permanently, with subsequent changes excluded. Additionally, there is an obligation to report cash registers, according to which every cash register system must be registered with the tax office within one month of purchase. Although the reporting obligation is temporarily suspended because the corresponding electronic transmission option is currently lacking, it is likely that the electronic transmission option for registering and deregistering cash registers will come in 2023. (Source: )

Furthermore, there has been a receipt issuance obligation ("Bon-Pflicht") since last year, according to which retailers must print a receipt on paper or create it digitally for each transaction. Moreover, companies using electronic cash registers are required to use systems certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) to protect against manipulation. For this, every cash register system must be equipped with a TSE to protect the data recorded in the cash register system from subsequent manipulation of any kind. Those who do not comply with this obligation risk high fines. Those responsible must retrofit older cash register systems with a TSE (if a retrofit is possible), otherwise they may only use these devices until the end of 2022.

Via TSE, receipts are signed and digitally recorded or stored (as per the legislator's requirements), so that all data, including logs, are available to the tax office at any time. "This can be problematic if the TSE fails unnoticed. After all, it is legally required to present the data completely in the event of a tax audit," says Steven Schwarznau. Although the cashier is informed about the TSE being defective or unreachable with optical signals (red frame around the receipt window) when the register starts, ignoring the message and clicking it away allows cash transactions without recording the data. The TSE check by ALVARA | Digital Solutions closes this gap. In the cash register overview from the back office, it is always visible whether a TSE is active. If it fails, the tool will automatically inform those responsible in the future. The cash manager also always provides a full overview of all relevant information such as type, serial number, and status.

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