Thursday, 06/23/2016

New dream measurements recorded: 97 – 43 – 97

ALVARA Customer Survey Shows Broad Satisfaction and High Solution Acceptance in Cash Logistics

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, ALVARA Cash Management Group AG conducted a customer survey in collaboration with P3N MARKETING GMBH. In addition to customer satisfaction with factors such as performance, prices, quality, and service, "soft" indicators such as commitment, sympathy, innovation ability, and competence were included in the evaluations. Over 43 percent of customers participated in the online survey.

97 percent of participants rate the ALVARA solutions for cash logistics as high quality for their task fulfillment, and even all survey participants see their specific conditions in the sectors of financial institutions, security services, and trade fully or almost always taken into account. Good to very good ratings were also given to the service and the generally customer-oriented communication of ALVARA employees. Particularly, transparency and friendliness in daily communication are highlighted, which reflects the very good customer relationships. Trust in ALVARA AG is also high in the areas of data protection and reliability. Customers are also satisfied to very satisfied with the information offerings from the website and newsletter.

The overall very positive result of the customer survey is particularly evident in the recommendation rate of 97 percent. Improvement potentials for ALVARA arose, for example, through direct suggestions from participants regarding the manuals and user documentation.

The ALVARA Cash Management Group AG thanks all customers who took part and thereby supported ALVARA in continuing to innovatively develop quality, service, and performance.

In the future, ALVARA will continue to place great importance on customer dialogue. Events such as the Cash Dialogue or trade show presentations will continue to be expanded. ALVARA celebrates its 20th anniversary with all customers at the security trade fair in Essen from September 27 – 30, 2016, under the motto: "Ahead of the curve for 20 years - Keeping your cash in sight."